Friday 30 July 2010

So may I introduce to you

Hello people with too much time on your hands,

This blog is mainly for me to kill time and air my various views, opinions and grievances (and perhaps some day make me a shit load of lovely lovely money - I won't held my breath on this one, there is probably more chance of Gary Glitter being named Honorary Head of NSPCC)

I aim to give reviews of various books, films, music etc, provide recommendations for you check shit out and of course rant and criticize the many aspects of normal life that piss me off and make me want to maim and kill - metaphorically of course (and some not so metaphorically).

There will be no planned concurrent theme that united the items on this blog. I have a number of pretty much unrelated interests which will most likely be written about. However remember you do get to glimpse at my rather skeptical, sarcastic, untrusted and judgmental psyche.
